Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Civility For Thee, But Not For Me

Can we finally just agree that the liberals' "new civility" charade after the Giffords shooting was just that, a charade?  Being good Alinskyites they expect everyone else to practice it but always find reaons (read: excuses) not to practice it themselves.

North Carolina, a state that voted for Barack Obama in 2008, passed a constitutional amendment yesterday defining marriage as being heterosexual only (I don't know if North Carolina has a civil union or domestic partnership statute or not).  Anyway, check out the "civility" demonstrated by those on the losing side of this issue.

For the record, I don't support government's redefining marriage.  If the people vote to do so, I'm ok with that, but I don't want government to redefine the word "marriage".  I support California's domestic partnership law, part of which which can be found here.  You want equality?  This is pretty darned equal:
(a) Registered domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits, and shall be subject to the same responsibilities, obligations, and duties under law, whether they derive from statutes, administrative regulations, court rules, government policies, common law, or any other provisions or sources of law, as are granted to and imposed upon spouses.
(b) Former registered domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits, and shall be subject to the same responsibilities, obligations, and duties under law, whether they derive from statutes, administrative regulations, court rules, government policies, common law, or any other provisions or sources of law, as are granted to and imposed upon former spouses.
(c) A surviving registered domestic partner, following the death of the other partner, shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits, and shall be subject to the same responsibilities, obligations, and duties under law, whether they derive from statutes, administrative regulations, court rules, government policies, common law, or any other provisions or sources of law, as are granted to and imposed upon a widow or a widower.
(d) The rights and obligations of registered domestic partners with respect to a child of either of them shall be the same as those of spouses. The rights and obligations of former or surviving registered domestic partners with respect to a child of either of them shall be the same as those of former or surviving spouses.
(e) To the extent that provisions of California law adopt, refer to, or rely upon, provisions of federal law in a way that otherwise would cause registered domestic partners to be treated differently than spouses, registered domestic partners shall be treated by California law as if federal law recognized a domestic partnership in the same manner as California law.
(f) Registered domestic partners shall have the same rights regarding nondiscrimination as those provided to spouses.
Those are just sections a-f. There are more, but you get the idea.  And this is what you get in liberal California.

Update:  According to this article, the new North Carolina amendment also bans civil unions and domestic partnerships.

Update #2: Just saw this on Instapundit and thought it funny:
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “It is good to see that after intense political pressure that President Obama has finally come around to the Dick Cheney position on marriage equality.”
– GOProud’s Chris Barron; more at

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