Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Philadelphia, Day 1

After a long redeye airplane flight, and a short amount of sleep,we made it to Philadelphia. We've had a full day of sightseeing (click on the pictures to enlarge):

The USS New Jersey, as seen through a porthole on the Olympia, Commodore Dewey's flagship during the Battle of Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War.

Olympia and the Becuna, a WWII submarine.

The bows of Olympia and the Becuna. The ship on the left is a restaurant.

Old and new merge in more ways than one in this picture.

An alley in Old Town Philadelphia.

Independence Hall. A couple weeks ago I paid $3 to reserve "free" tickets for a tour, which consisted of seeing two rooms. Seriously.

Cheap Trick played here.

Your intrepid blogger, next door to Independence Hall.

Another shot of Independence Hall.

Row houses in the Society Hill area.

Up for tomorrow: Valley Forge, the Liberty Bell, Franklin Court, and Ben Franklin's grave.

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