Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Military Academy Education, 1st Semester Sophomore Year

My third semester classes and their credit hours:
1st term 84-85
EV203 Terrain Analysis 2.5
LW401 Constitutional Law 2.5
MA262A Applied Differential Equations 3.5
PE203 Develop Sports Skills-Men 1.0
PH201 Classical Physics I 3.5
SS202 Politics and Government 3.5
SS251 Advanced Economics: Principles and Problems 3.5

Total units: 20

1 comment:

  1. 1st term 82-83
    EV203 Terrain Analysis 2.5
    LG203 Standard German I 3.5
    MA201 Multivariable Calculus 3.5
    MD201 3rd Class Military Development 0.0
    PE203 Develop Sports Skills-Men 1.0
    PH201 Classical Physics I 3.5
    PY201 Philosophy 3.0
    SS201 Economics: Principles & Problems 3.5

    Total Units: 20.5

    Note, still no electives, all courses to date were mandatory for all cadets.
