Friday, April 13, 2012

Flash Mob

Every year or two at my school, we do something new at a rally; each time we do something new at a rally, it's hailed as the coolest thing ever.

Our students don't want boilerplate, fill-in-the-blank rallies; they want something cool, a reason to go. Today we gave it to them.

Usually rallies are entirely student affairs, but near the beginning of this one we teachers did a flash mob. Some song the kids know (but of which I have no idea) was played, and a few dozen of us rushed out and got our groove on. When better video makes it to the Youtubes I'll link to it, but until then you can imagine me busting a move by watching this one. I'm at the far end of the gym in this view so not really visible.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Don't worry. Your 15 ms of fame are displayed prominently near the end of this one.

  2. 15 milliseconds is more than enough!
