Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Black, Mormon, Child of Immigrants, Republican

That would be Mia Love, running for Congress from Utah.
"We have an opportunity to reach some of our fellow Americans that we haven't been able to reach, ever, on the conservative side," she told Yahoo News. "And if I can reach our fellow Americans and get them to believe what we believe--that the way that they're going to realize the American dream is through hard work and that they can do it, then I'm happy to play that role. I'm happy to be the example."

While talking policy, she comes across as a tax- and regulation-slashing, tea party conservative infused with a leave-us-alone libertarian streak, a hallmark of western Republicans...

If she makes it to Washington, Love said she plans focus on opposing federal regulations--particularly those set by the Environmental Protection Agency--and will immediately join the Democrat-led Congressional Black Caucus with Florida Rep. Allen West, currently the only Republican member of the group, with hopes to "change it from the inside out."

"I told Congressman West to hang in there, reinforcements are coming, and while I respect the ideas of some of these representatives to care for the poor in their community, I reject the notion that government dependency is the way to do it," Love said. "I am ready to go in and change it from the inside out."
I wish her success!


  1. Squee! Maybe I'll move to Utah so I can vote for her...

  2. Where can I send a campaign contribution?

  3. @Jean

    Too bad it wasn't Chicago so you could vote from California! ;<)

  4. pseudotsuga8:06 PM

    Mia Love is quite the candidate, making all the heads of the various grievance groups spin with her refusal to play identity politics. I wish her all success and hope to hear that her new job will be in Washington D. C.
