Friday, March 09, 2012

A Second Book Whose Mere Title Will Make Liberals' Heads Explode

Earlier this week in this post I linked to the first such book, here's the second :)


  1. Because Inhofe is a scientist and has great credibility in climate studies. Maybe next I'll take some marriage advice from Rush Limbaugh and then some economic advice from Alex Rodriguez and then maybe some spiritual advice from Ann Coulter. Because, you know, they can read and express an opinion about data. That's credible, right?

  2. Did you watch An Inconvenient Truth, mazenko?

  3. I saw it - and I gave it as much credence as I did Morgan Spurlock's SuperSize Me. It was info-tainment.

    As far as climate change goes - and man's influence, both positive and negative - I form my views from scientists and massive amounts of data.

  4. Why did you see it? Gore isn't a scientist.

  5. Entertainment. I always make it a point to see Oscar winners and as many of the nominated films as possible.

  6. "Science is the best defense against believing what we want to." - Ian Stewart

  7. Perhaps you could read this book for "entertainment", too.

  8. When it's nominated for a Pulitzer or the National Book Award, perhaps I will.

  9. So "perhaps" you'll read it when the lefties say it's ok. :p
