Monday, March 05, 2012

Oakland Is Behind The Times

Apparently Oakland hasn't gotten the word that the so-called Occupy movement is over and done with. They're still trying to--well, I'm not sure what they're trying to do, but they're certainly screwing it up, whatever it is. Oh look, three guys there accosted and taunted a woman, judged her suspected sexuality, then stole her wallet. Such pillars of the community!

Did you ever hear such stories out of the violent, racist, misogynist, Tea Party rallies? Me either. But note that this rally is referred to as "overwhelmingly peaceful", unlike those Tea Party rallies wherein people were so out of control that they actually left the venues cleaner than they found them!

And some wonder why I think that media bias is a problem....


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Bad link.

  2. allen (in Michigan)5:03 AM

    Oh, the media's out of touch with more then just the "Occupy" movement. They're out of touch with the collapse of the radical environmentalist movement as well.

    The 2009 Climate Summit in Denmark drew national leaders from all over the world and Obama famously flew over there to try to prevent the entire event from turning into a ludicrous failure. He failed. The 2010 Climate Summit was, not so famously, unattended by national leaders as was the 2011 Climate Summit.

    Oh yeah, GM's shut down the Volt assembly line for five weeks.

  3. The link isn't working.

  4. Fixed now, grazie. Blogger apparently doesn't like it if you don't put a www in front of the link (which Daily Caller doesn't require) and it automatically inserted a "" in front. Sneaky!

  5. OWS should be dead. Unfortunately there's a consortium of wealthy liberals, including the founders of Ben &Jerry's that want to make grants available to OWS protesters. So if Ben and Jerry's-which is now a part of a huge corportion Unilever-gives millions in grants to Occupy protesters, who are the hypocrites? The one percenters buying off protesters for their own political aims? Or the protesters swallowing their claimed dislike of the "one percent" taking the money?
