Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If You Consider The President's (Or Your Own) Race When Deciding Whether Or Not To Vote For Him, You're A Racist

I stand by the title of this post while offering this ad.


  1. If your name is 'Lovie', the battle is already lost. Particularly if you coach football.

  2. Darren

    Can you imagine the howls of indignation for a group called "Whites for Santorum", etc. But for some reason "African Americans for Obama" doesn't raise an eyebrow from the usual suspects at NY Times/ABC/NBC/CBS etc.

  3. Adrienne12:17 PM

    You wouldn't consider African-Americans to be a cultural group as well? Politicans campaign to Latinos, Jews etc. all the time... how is this different?

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Hey come on, you know that only knuckle-dragging caucasian conservatives can be racist.

  5. Utter crap. It's not 1856, 1956, or 1965 anymore. It's 2011. Blacks aren't subjugated, and Lovie's supporting the guy because he's black. If Lovie can do something because of his skin color that I can't do because of my skin color, that's racist. You don't have to agree with that, and I'm sure you don't, but that's pretty much the definition of racism.

  6. Adrienne, I understand and accept your point. Usually, though, when appealing to different "demographics", politicians appeal to some shared value--Jews might want to hear about how a politician feels about the Israeli-Palestinian issue, for instance.

    This is different. This is an appeal solely on skin color. If I were to judge someone solely on skin color, I'd be a racist. I'm merely holding Lovie to the same standard--not a higher or lower standard--than society would hold me to.

  7. mazenko

    I recall the words of a leader, great man and great American who on his worse days was light years ahead of B Hussein Obama.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    What happened to that great dream Mike? But more to the point, what is wrong with that dream? Why is it leftists continue to exploit any issue from a racial perspective? Maybe you should ask yourself that.

  8. Adrienne6:36 AM

    Darren -

    Would you argue that, if all things were the same but Santorum were black and Obama white, Lovie would be supporting Santorum instead? I find it impossible to believe that Lovie supports Obama solely due to his skin color...

  9. Perhaps, but I don't remember seeing campaign ads from AfricanAmericansForClinton or AfricanAmericansForKerry. They could exist--but why do *you* think Lovie's supporting Obama? What has Obama done to improve the lot of the so-called black community? Heck, he consigned thousands of DC kids to clearly horrible schools by ending the DC voucher program.

  10. Darren

    Don't forget DC teenage unemployment is 50.1%...then again he would never know what a job is.

  11. Adrienne7:53 AM

    Why do I think that Lovie supports Obama? For the same reason I do. He's the best candidate out there.
