Sunday, March 11, 2012

How Are Things In Wisconsin?

The governor is in a recall battle because he signed Act 10--you remember, the "war against unions" that caused the Democrats in the legislature to leave the state so they wouldn't have to vote on it? (quite mature, those Dems) Well, the law's been in place for awhile now, how's it going? Have teachers become indentured servants?
While there is no disputing the divisiveness and political bitterness Act 10 has created, the law that redefined collective bargaining in Wisconsin has made a dramatic difference for the state’s financially struggling school districts, according to a report slated for release this week...

Wisconsin school districts have realized significant savings either through the implementation of collective bargaining changes or the threat of them, according to an analysis by the Michigan-based Education Action Group Foundation, known as EAG, a nonprofit research organization promoting school spending reform.

The pointed report, titled “The Bad Old Days of Collective Bargaining: Why Act 10 Was Necessary for Wisconsin Public Schools,” devotes plenty of its pages to applauding the collective bargaining reforms led by Republican Gov. Scott Walker, but it backs up the assertions with some telling numbers.

So what did this heinous act do?
Act 10 stripped collective bargaining for most unionized public employees in Wisconsin, limiting negotiations to wage only, and only up to the rate of inflation. It also requires teachers and other public workers to contribute 5.8 percent to their state pensions, and at least 12.6 percent of their health care premiums.
The horror.

1 comment:

  1. "...stripped collective bargaining for most unionized public employees"

    Can we order some of that ACT-10 stuff for California? We need it bad.
