Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yesterday In San Francisco

My son and I spent the day in SF yesterday, and what a beautiful day it was! The weather could hardly have been more ideal, and it's only February!

We first went to the Old San Francisco Mint for a coin show; I was more impressed by the building than by the coin show. From there we went up to Twin Peaks to take some video, most of which didn't make it to the video below but the footage itself is fairly impressive. We then drove past the Painted Ladies to Pier 39, ground zero for tourists. Not too far from Pier 39 we saw a private charter conducting 60-minute bay tours, and since the price was right we went. Pulled into our driveway around 8:30 last night.

My new video camera came with video editing software with which I'm not exactly thrilled (I can't even tell if it has the capability to have transitions between scenes), so I tried a demo version of different software. It worked quite well but $60 is a bit steep for the non-watermarked, full-capability version!

See what you think here, after Vimeo has worked its magic rendering the video.

Update: the video's all set, go take a look!

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