Saturday, February 11, 2012

Didn't The Soviets Used To Lock Dissidents Up In Psychiatric Hospitals?

This is just creepy:
A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry has concluded that distrust of the government is a treatable mental disorder. Known as "AGP" or "anti-government phobia," the study claims: "...that unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness, conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch 'us against them' mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism..."
I'll believe this "disorder" exists when there's no outcry upon its acceptance by a Republican president.

Update: a parody, and I bought it. The best parodies are the ones that could be true, but I still don't like being suckered. Details are in the comments.


  1. allen (in Michigan)1:57 AM

    Some shrink's trying to work the same angle as the "scientists" who provide sound bites to the global warming crowd. Telling people what we want to hear's hardly a new phenomenon, evidence Rachel Carson and "Silent Spring".

    Giving politicians an issue they can flog is just one of the shortcomings of the representative form of government. I know it's not a popular point of view but, longer term, we the people have an ability to see through that sort of fraud which is why the wheels came off the anti-gun wagon and why they're getting distressingly wobbly on the environmentalist wagon.

  2. Alan Sokal8:50 AM

    Sokal much?

    Seems you got sucked in by your propaganda machine. The study doesn't exist. That's why the chap in the video doesn't cite the study. Although he goes on the make Glenn Beckian dot connecting using the phony abstract of the supposed study authored by Ivor E. Tower, PhD.

    I guess when you are a spoon fed fanboy of hack journalism your proclivity is to swallow spoon and all.

    Nice work proving the point.

  3. Trace this one back and you'll discover that the supposed author of this study is Ivor E. Tower, MD -- in other words, it is a parody, not an actual report of anything that has actually been published anywhere. Here's a link to another version of the same thing.

  4. Alan Sokal9:28 AM

    I was doing my due diligence. I wanted to see if Breitbart and Co were correct in their assessment of the 'study'. I wanted to see if they were honest in drawing their conclusions. So I fact checked the story. There is no 'study'.

    The facts: Breitbart has a narrative to tell. Facts don't matter. Don't trust hacks to interpret for you. Straw men are useful to rile the believers. Confirmational bias is alive and well.

  5. Alan Sokal10:00 AM

    Last comment.

    I cannot get over the irony in a guy making a convoluted argument attacking the government for a supposed clinical psychology study, that the government didn't perform, regarding politcal crack pots all while a soviet hammer and sickle wave in the breeze behind him.

    A beautiful irony.

  6. Damn. Usually Breitbart is trustworthy so I didn't question this article.

    Hook, line, and sinker. Damn.

  7. allen (in Michigan)1:37 PM

    Looks like someone's trying very hard to spin the story so as to divert from the obvious; the parody works because of the core of truth that resides within it. It's a parody only because those being mocked can't make it a reality.
