Wednesday, January 04, 2012

You're Kidding!

Someone's figuring out that this isn't going to work:
A state-appointed panel said Tuesday that California's plan to build a high-speed rail system in the state is not financially feasible and should be placed on hold.

The report by the California High-Speed Rail Peer Review Group said the state should not authorize $2.7 billion in bonds to build the initial section of the system.
It's not time for a "Hallelujah!" yet, but we're getting closer.

Update, 1/13/12: Closer still:
The CEO of a California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) that is now described as "embattled" even by the establishment media has announced his resignation less than two years after taking office.
It's not dead yet, but I hope we're in the twitching stage.


  1. Kinda like the light rail cluster f/:( we have in Houston. A simple question to ask before such a waste. Is there a demand for this? I think we know the answer.

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    High Speed Rail in California cost 100 billion over 20 years = 5 billion per year for next 20 years. How many airline tix between SF and LAX (at about $75 for a one way ticket on Southwest) can you buy for 5 billion. (6.6 million tix.) How many people fly between Nor Cal and So Cal per year? Even if it was 5,000 per day (which seems really high) you have 1.8 million one way tickets in a year. These are rough estimates, but it seems that high speed rail is a HUGE waste of money for California.
