Saturday, January 07, 2012

What Constitutes An "Appropriate" Yearbook Picture?

The students editors thought the one shown in this story wasn't:
A Colorado teenager whose yearbook picture was rejected for being too revealing is vowing to fight the ban with her high school’s administration, but the editors of the yearbook insist it was their decision alone on the photo.

The five student editors of the Durango High School yearbook in Durango, Col., told the Durango Herald they were the ones who made the call not to publish a picture of senior Sydney Spies posing in a short yellow skirt midriff and shoulder-exposing black shawl as her senior portrait.

“We are an award-winning yearbook. We don’t want to diminish the quality with something that can be seen as unprofessional,” student Brian Jaramillo told the paper on Thursday.
Her attire wouldn't pass my school's dress code.

When I was in high school, we all went to thie same portrait studio, put on similar-looking coats and ties (for boys) and gowns (for girls), and those were our yearbook pictures. But that was then, this is now.

Then, now, what about the future? Perhaps in the future she'll be thankful that her skank-pic wasn't saved for posterity in the yearbook.


  1. Thank God for editors! Please don't allow this photo in the yearbook!!

    Where are the parents? Whose father allows this picture of his daughter to be submitted to the yearbook??!!!

  2. I am so disappointed in this issue. It's not First Amendment or "freedom of expression" as she claims. It's inappropriate and a violation of the school dress code. Such a shame that children think like she does.

  3. Marlex9:16 PM

    My first thought upon reading your post was, "How could it have been?" Then I clicked the link, and though, "Oh, that bad."

    When I was school, which wasn't all that long ago, the seniors had the uniform style photos. The other grades could wear what they wanted, but the photos were taken at school, so they had to follow the dress code at least.

    I think she should hope prospective employers don't do a Google search and come across that article. Although, by then, I'm sure it will be illegal for employers to do so.

  4. She's not really thinking, she is, for lack of a better term emoting. And your right this is not freedom of expression but a simple violation of dress code. What next, someone saying "Look the shoot for my senior picture was not like Hustler, more like the Playboy Marilyn Monroe shoot...don't concentrate on my exposed breasts or vigina but look at the eyes and facial expression.

    What gets on my nerves is the moron parent in this.

    Spies was joined by her mother, Miki Spies, and a handful of fellow Durango High students and alumni in a protest outside the school Wednesday after, she said, administrators informed her the photo would not be permitted because it violated dress code....

    The five editors,... believing that it was a dress code issue.

    They also offered her an opportunity to include the photo in the yearbook, just not as her senior photo.

    “If she (Spies) chooses to, the picture will run as her senior ad, not her senior portrait,” Trujillo said.

    Despite the clarification from her peers into how and why the decision was made, a meeting Spies initiated between herself, her mother, and the school’s principal, Diane Lashinsky, was held today as planned.

    OK Mrs Spies I have only one question. Do you want your daughter's senior picture to come out as an erotic model pose? Another question then, what the hell are you thinking? Explain to your child that you often don't get what you want in life. But that would require parenting and your actions (from the limited view I get in this article) draw your abilities into question.

  5. Since when do high schools have full body photos in yearbooks? Our students have their photos taken at school unless they are seniors. Seniors wear coat and tie if they are male or a drape that looks like a slightly off the shoulder dress. Both are provided by the photo studio. Casual photos are included at the discretion of the sponsor. All must meet dress code. That's in our code of conduct.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "Emoting, not thinking" has been the watchword of the ed world for decades. Feelings and personal narratives have replaced academic work showing reasoned arguments substantiated by facts. There are several generations of former and current "students" who have never been taught the difference between "I think" and "I feel". They "think" that all that matters is the strength of their feelings; facts are irrelevant.

    My older kids' HS required coats and ties for boys and some kind of discreet top for girls for senior pictures. School clothes were worn by underclassmen. The drapes mentioned above were not allowed, since some of the yearbook competitions, at which the HS often placed, did not allow them. Most girls had one picture taken for the yearbook and another one, with a drape, for family and friends. The younger kids' schools allowed girls to wear drapes, or the equivalent. In those schools, there was a formal portrait in the yearbook and, usually, a more informal one (often outdoors, in athletic uniform or other personally meaningful outfit) for family and friends. I'd like to give that girl and, especially her mother, a real earful.

  7. I wasn't able to find the photo again . . .but, if it's the one of the blonde turning sideways to face the camera -- BARELY racy. And, if you don't want that to happen, take the pictures at school. And, if you have principles, don't let her buy it as an ad. I mean, it's either appropriate or not -- paying for it doesn't change the merits.

  8. PeggyU2:57 PM

    If it's attention she wants, all she needs is a pen and a bathroom stall.

    OTOH, if she wants a photo that can be submitted to modeling agencies, reputable modeling agencies have nothing against tasteful photos.

  9. Every year, around prom time, there's a news story about some girl being told that her back and front cleavage baring dress will not be allowed in the dance. And every year, some parent, no doubt deranged by their inability to tell their children no, rants and raves and threatens lawsuits because their baby was denied entry. These kids don't buy these dresses on their own. Just like they don't buy the Pink shorts with writing all over the butt or the shoes that cost more than I pay for my phone per month. Until parents stop saying yes to everything.
