Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Social Media First For Me

At some ungodly hour last night or early this morning, I was checking "the Facebook" on my Kindle Fire and, since I've "liked" Carnival Cruise Lines, I saw a cryptic message expressing sympathy for those on the Costa Concordia. What the heck? So I came into my library and got on the "big screen"--gotta love my 24" swivel monitor!--and did a search. Holy crap! I'll be cruising off the coast of Italy for a few days this summer so I'm quite familiar with Costa, and to see a story of a modern cruise ship run aground is almost otherworldly.

This is the first time I can recall first learning about a major event from so-called social media.


  1. I learned about Occupy Wall Street from social media, but that might not count as a major event for you. LOL

  2. When we had our floods a few years ago, I got most of my information from Facebook since our local news was lagging behind and the Nashville stations focused mainly on Nashville. It was really useful in knowing which roads were closed, where the flooding was, and so forth - everyone was posting about their neighborhood and what they experienced. In fact, our local newspaper even lifted a video my math teacher posted of flooding near his apartment, and put it on the front page of their online newspaper - without giving him credit, I might add.
