Friday, January 06, 2012

An Interesting Silver Lining

If you've been reading this blog for more than a couple weeks you probably know that last April I was in a fairly traumatic skiing accident. The accident itself wasn't horrible, but having a ski slice a knee tendon was extremely damaging physically, mentally, and emotionally. This weekend I will get on a treadmill at the gym and run--first time since the doctor approved me to do so almost 2 weeks ago.

Before spring break last year I bought a season pass deal at a ski resort--it was good for the remainder of last season (which extended into the 4th of July weekend with that long winter we had!) and all of this season. I spent several months before finally getting official word from the resort that they'd cancel the pass for this season and would reissue it for next season.

Winter hasn't started yet in Northern California. Last month was the 4th driest December on record. There is no snow up in the mountains; the resorts are open and running but with only a couple of inches of man-made snow.

Today a friend said to me, aren't you glad your season pass isn't for *this* season? You'd feel cheated!

You know, that's one way of looking at it!

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