Thursday, December 08, 2011

Supporting the Occupy Movement

Today after our staff meeting our union rep discussed a few things, including CTA's support of the Occupy movement. Someone has suggested our local union to support it, too.

They're a day late and a dollar short. The Occupy movement is done, stick a fork in it.


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    So done you can't go a week without an "Occupy" post. Honestly. What topic have you written more posts about since October?

  2. It wasn't dead in October/November.

    The lefties trying to keep it on life support now can't, or don't want to, see what's so clear to normal people.

  3. allen (in Michigan)3:51 AM

    Well Anonymous, it's just so gratifying to watch the "Occupy" movement peter out.

    Gratifying because it validates my predictions and gratifying because it means a bunch of over-indulged, anal retentives aren't going to get what they want.

    Of course you do have to develop an ear for "the dog that didn't bark" since the demise of left wing movements is heralded, mostly, by the sound of crickets chirping. But if Darren can't go a week without a post about the "Occupy" folks the mass media seems to have developed the ability to completely ignore it.

    It would be instructive, and fun, to continue to bring up the "Occupy" movement, contact folks who were involved with it and remind anyone who'll listen about the "Occupy" movement.

  4. "Hey, remember when you acted like a complete and total imbecile and didn't accomplish anything? Yeah, how do you feel about that now?"

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    See you November 6. We'll see just how demised the left is. Given the GOP's parade of potential candidates, the left has nothing to worry about.

  6. Perhaps, but it will be in spite of the Occupy movement, not because of it. You're not even brave/proud enough to use your real name, much less speak up for the Occutards.

  7. allen (in Michigan)3:05 PM

    Oh Anonymous, wither springeth this new-found love for the electoral process? Shouldn't you be sitting in a tent in a public park, seething with impotent rage that someone, somewhere doesn't realize how important it is to give you everything you're so sure is a basic, fundamental, foundational, unarguable, non-negotiable human right?

    I guess if I were looking for evidence the "Occupy" movement ought to referred to in the past tense you just gave me as much as I need by both changing the subject and what you changed the subject too.

    By the way, the political success of the Tea Party movement springs from determinedly participating in the political process, not in engaging in a protracted, pointless and humiliating temper tantrum so yeah, see you next November.

  8. One month ago, one of the biggest stories was the Occupy Wall Street movement. But that was one month ago. From violence and murder to rapes and disease, OWS has been shown as the blight that it truly is. And because of it, despite the shrieking from the Main Stream Media, Americans have rejected Occupy Wall Street and its socialistic values.

    This is no more evident than's website, which was created by the founders of the protests just before the "movement" went national. Their readership peaked in early October and has plummeted since. As the Web Information Company Alexa reports, was one of the internet's 2,500 biggest sites just two months ago.

  9. OH WAIT, here's more:
    Dispirited Occupy member Stephen Campbell, 24, said when asked why he didn’t get arrested, he said he withdrew from the camp early today as the end was clearly in sight.”The Occupy Boston movement as a whole became fascist,” he said, adding he still believes in the Occupy idea but not the organization. “At a general assembly this week we spent four hours trying to evict people rather than focusing on our political causes.”He went on to say the general assembly betrayed the movement, so he left the Dewey Square encampment before he got arrested. He also told the Herald’s Dan O’Brien that Boston police were the smartest in the nation by coaxing occupiers out. “They got Occupy Boston to leave, themselves.”

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Again, name the most recent week you didn't post something about Occupy. You're trying so hard to resist now that you've been called out on it. But hiding your fixation in the comments fools no one.

  11. I'm just having fun now, because obviously *any* negative mention of that movement gets under your skin. And because you're kinda being a troll about it, I'm liking getting under your skin.
