Saturday, December 17, 2011

Making Ourselves Look Like Idiots

We're teaching children when we do stupid stuff like this, but it isn't what we think we're teaching them, and it isn't anything good:
For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around a slice of pizza some say resembled a gun.

Nicholas Taylor attends David Youree Elementary School in Smyrna, about 30 miles southeast of Nashville.

School leaders say the 10-year-old threatened other students at his lunch table with a piece of pizza with bites out of it so it looked like a gun and when asked about it was initially not truthful.
I'm embarrassed to work in the same field as these idiots.


  1. I created an instructional video for the teachers of Rutherford Co. to help them properly deal with situations like this in the future.

  2. Repetition is a valid and useful instructional technique.

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sorry it is out of Tennessee...

    I guess these people haven't been around boys...geez...

    I never will forget when my two sons were in day care (yes in day care) I walked through the halls and one of the kids had taken a bite out of a cracker and called the remains a gun...

    Boys will be boys and adults can be worse...

    Question...when did common sense exit the field of education?

    Hope you are feeling better!


  4. Matt Mangels8:27 PM

    But if all the kids had gun-shaped pizza slices then this one kid wouldn't be a threat!
