Monday, December 05, 2011

The Latest Edition of Climategate

The latest release of emails is just as damning as the first:
New and explosive revelations continue to emerge from the Climategate 2 emails, two weeks after the 5,000-plus emails were first publicly unveiled. While Climategate 2 does not share the “novelty factor” of Climategate 1, the contents of the Climategate 2 emails are at least as appalling as Climategate 1. Most importantly, the Climategate 2 emails show scientists at the forefront of global warming activism acknowledging serious flaws in alarmist global warming theory, working together to hide data contradicting alarmist global warming theory, and taking concerted and nefarious action to ruin the careers of scientists and peer-reviewed science journal editors who publish studies and data that undermine alarmist global warming claims.
As one of the commenters said at the linked article:
The very young field of climate science has allowed itself to be politicized to the point where nothing coming from it can be trusted to shape government policies...especially economic policy.


  1. "...The very young field of climate science has allowed itself to be politicized to the point where nothing coming from it can be trusted to shape government policies...especially economic policy..." And that is exactly why having government fund research programs is always going to produce slanted and sometimes biased results. I am sure back in the day every magician told the kind they could make gold, but they couldn't. The Climate Change/Global Warming scientists have managed to make themselves into this generations alchemists by refusing the peer test research and by linking behind the scenes to produce a body of "evidence" which features cooked data, false results and unreproducabled methods.

  2. allen (in Michigan)4:16 AM

    I'm just wondering how long it'll be before we see some real progress on the issue of the environment.

    I'm wondering when we'll see some big political success of the left on environmental politics undone? Something like the requirement for ethanol in gasoline or an end to, say, the huge subsidy that Volt and Leaf buyers get. An end to the subsidies for wind and solar power equipment manufacturers. Something like that.

    Then we'll have something to cheer about.

  3. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Maybe when huge subsidies to oil companies go away.

  4. allen (in Michigan)3:07 PM

    Since oil companies have never gotten "huge subsidies", and since greenie-weenie companies seem to be run to a great extent by thieves, that should be any day now.

  5. Oh, look, a troll.
