Monday, December 05, 2011


Back in 2002, when Joss Whedon's Firefly was on, I was watching other shows and didn't want to commit to yet another. I heard it was good, but I always figured I'd watch it some day in the future.

That day came when my Kindle Fire, loaded with a month of Amazon Prime, arrived. With a free month of downloads I started watching Doctor Who, at the suggestion of a teacher at school, but after a few episodes just couldn't get into it. I tried Firefly, and was hooked in less than the first episode.

I was one of the relatively few who was hooked, though. Its broadcast life was short, airing only 11 of the 14 episodes that were shot. Amazon Prime has all 14 available for streaming, and last night I watched the last one.

I saw the movie, Serenity, when it came out, but since I didn't know the back story I'm sure I missed a lot of it. Tonight I'll stream Serenity.

Great series.

Update: Dang it! Serenity isn't on Amazon Prime, so I have to pay for it! I'll watch something else tonight (my one month of Prime that came with the Kindle runs out in less than 2 weeks) and watch Serenity after my freebies run out.


  1. Shiny! ...I love Firefly. AND Doctor Who.

  2. t-bone2:32 PM

    Agreed - Firefly is probably my favorite series ever. It's a shame it only lasted 14 episodes. I have always wondered about Shepherd Book's past...

  3. pseudotsuga9:28 PM

    It is a shame that the episodes were shown out of order, so that the first episode aired was "The Train Job" rather than the intended pilot. The embryonic Firefly ended WAY too soon to get its legs. I'd much rather watch Reynolds than Kirk or Piccard...
    I can't see either of the latter two pushing Crow into the engine intake, for some reason.

  4. Elaine C10:00 PM

    It wasn't that Firefly didn't have a following ... its just that Fox is crazy. They yanked the show around a lot - including making joss write a new last-minute pilot.

    They still won't release the rights to the show... even though syfy has offered to pick it up to continue it.

    (Random trivia... the actor who plays Jayne has a major role in Chuck, Enarra has roles in Stargate and V... avoid shows with Zoe - she does well in Firefly but really can't act otherwise. Mal is the main character in Castle - which you REALLY should watch if you aren't already! And I'm not at ALL obsessed with the show or actors.....)

  5. Firefly is okay, I enjoy it, but Dr. Who is epic. I didn't like it years ago when I first saw it because it came across as hokie and fake. But the latest years have been killer. I hate it that my local PBS station preempts it constantly for yet another showing of Celtic Whatever.

  6. allen (in Michigan)9:05 PM

    Doctor Who? Uch. It's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in serialized form with not much more structure or consistency, internal or external and about as much respect for the viewers/readers. "Firefly" in its worst program was better, more clever, more thoughful and did I mention better? then Dr. Who in its best.

  7. Hitchhiker has its highs and lows. Restaurant at the End of the Universe was my favorite. Some of the others...meh. Same with the Dune series. It's the same old problem Shakespeare had to deal with-making the middle as interesting as the start and finish.
