Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Battle Does Not Go Well

I'm giving tests in 4 of my 5 classes tomorrow--I have to go to school today. I feel worse this morning than I did yesterday, and that's after a good night's sleep. Ugh.

I should plan on *not* going tomorrow, just in case. A sub can administer the tests if I die!

Update, 3:57 pm: I felt so bad in 1st period today that I called a retired teacher and asked if she could come in for me today. She couldn't, but she'll take over for me tomorrow. I gutted it out today but I'm home now, gonna crawl in bed....


  1. Yes...Yes, we can!

    ---Just a Substitute Teacher

  2. I second the Nyquil suggestion

  3. Just popped some Nyquil gel caps, just like last night. I'm hoping a day in bed will recharge my batteries enough to get me to school Thursday and Friday.

  4. Nothing is worse than trying to teach when you are really really sick. Last year I had a combination sinus infection and flu which went into pneumonia leading to a hacking cough and two cracked ribs. I taught for a week that way, then had to stay home for four days because I could not sleep on cracked ribs. I think too many teachers tough it out until things are really bad. I know a teacher who had a heart attack and finished the day. He's lucky he didn't die. Take care Darren, rest, hot tea, more rest and watch some syrupy holiday movies. It will do your heart good.
