Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Will This Affect The Teachers At All?

From last winter's Madison, Wisconsin brouhaha:
Seven doctors received a reprimand from a state board Wednesday for how they kept medical records after issuing controversial sick notes to demonstrators during the protests against Gov. Scott Walker's union bargaining law.

"The board action today holds these physicians accountable for their very public actions," said a statement from Sujatha Kailas, a physician and chairman of the Medical Examining Board.

Another two doctors received administrative warnings, a lesser form of discipline, according to the board.

In February, teachers from several districts called in sick so they could descend on the Capitol during work days to protest Walker's bill to curtail collective bargaining for most public employees. At the protests, some teachers secured doctors' notes to excuse them from work.

Do the school districts now have to honor these notes?

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