Thursday, November 03, 2011

Hoping For Change

Forget hope and change. President Obama’s reelection campaign is going to be based on fear and loathing: fear of what a Republican takeover would mean, and loathing of whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be. link


  1. 1. That strategy worked for Bush/Cheney 2004, so there's no reason to think it won't work for Obama/Biden 2012. Given the field of Republican candidates, it's a winning strategy.

    2. The Republicans have--at best--one shot to short-circuit the strategy: nominate Huntsman. But as it stands, Huntsman will likely be the first to drop out. Whew!

  2. Two years later we saw the disaster that a Democrat-run Congress would create, and two years after that we were witness again. I hope *all* lefties think as you do, Dean--it'll make the job of the Republicans that much easier. Thanks for that electoral advice, though, but I think we'll do things our own way.

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Dem's are just capitalizing on a 49% of Republicans that believe their own party's main objective is ensuring Obama's downfall rather than the welfare of the country.

    Unfortunate that the front-runners are Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry; all marching their way to early "facepalms" from opponents and supporters alike.

  4. Let's not pretend that both parties don't try to demonize the other. And let's not forget the disaster that was the GOP Congress and President from 2000-2006.

    Not justifying the Democrats - just conceding the blame on both sides.

  5. nekop7:36 AM

    But what if Obama's downfall is what is best for the welfare of the country? ^_^

  6. Let's not pretend that both parties don't try to demonize the other.

    But for some reason you are not alarmed, shocked or outraged when Joe Bite-Me says pass this "jobs bill" or more women are gonna be raped, etc. But you have said you are not partisan, right? Kinda like the front page of the NY Times.

    And let's not forget the disaster that was the GOP Congress and President from 2000-2006.

    Yes you right, with unemployment at what, 5 percent. Hell now it's down to what...oh yea, 9 plus percent.

    And deficits ran from what from 01 to, 200-400 billion was tough. But it's better now with budget shortfalls of only....oh, yea, B Hussein Obama is still working on that.

    Well at least we have more economic growth under old Barry....I mean we only revised it down to 2 point something precent annual growth.

    Then no one can say Obama and the Dems haven't done a real job on inflation. I mean prior to 2009 it was not even noticed and now it what, 10 percent. That's progressive isn't it!

    Not justifying the Democrats - just conceding the blame on both sides

    That is all you ever do. Now before you so "All you do is justify the Republicans..." I will point out I have been more critical of George Bush than you have been of B Hussein Obama (at least on this blog). But more to the point I don't call myself independent or nonpartisan. I am a conservative Republican.
