Sunday, October 02, 2011

Why Is This Book So Expensive?

A paperback for $107??? (as of 10/2/2011)


  1. allen (in Michigan)5:04 PM

    I hope you get some answers because I just ran into the same question about "Freedom and School Choice" at $85. Probably a decent book but at $85 I'll never know unless a library in my system picks up a copy.

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    The manufacturing cost difference between a paperback book and a hardback book isn't very much ...

    You can go to and see that they'll print you a hardcover 6"×9" book for $14 plus page charges or a paperback 6"×9" book for $4.50 plus page charges.

    Less than $10 difference.

    This book is probably expensive because the publisher figures that those who want the book aren't very price sensitive, and that they won't sell very many more copies by lowering the price.

    The book "Triumph of the Optimists" fits this bill in the financial/investing area.

    -Mark Rouilo

  3. Must be a union book.

  4. allen (in Michigan)3:29 AM

    > Must be a union book.

    Couldn't be. I'm not forced to buy it by law or the threats of goons.

  5. My guess is that its a college textbook. They cost an arm and a leg, and your first born thrown in for good measure.

  6. I Googled the author. He is an Assistant Professor at Montclair University. Yep, pretty sure he requires his students to buy it for his class.

  7. PeggyU12:57 AM

    Both people buying it have to shoulder the burden of the printing costs.
