Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We've Created A Generation of Wussies

We've taught kids how to feign offense at the slightest thing, and we've taught them that they should impose their feigned offense on others. Why should we be surprised when they do so?
An Ohio university is funding a student-led campaign to denounce what they consider to be racially offensive Halloween costumes – ranging from Geisha girls to terrorists.
One of the posters shown displays an Asian girl holding a picture of someone dressed in a geisha costume, with the slogan "This is NOT who I am, and this is NOT OKAY." A second one shows a guy I think we're supposed to assume is Middle Eastern, holding a picture of someone dressed as a suicide bomber, with the same slogan.

First off, who says that these costumes represent you, you little narcissists? Who made you the center of the world? Hey, chick in the poster, are you a geisha? Then you're right, the costume doesn't represent you--so now tell me why it's not OK? And guy, if you're not a suicide bomber, well, same point.

“Don’t dress up like a Guido,” she (a spokesperson) said. “That’s offensive to Italian Americans. Don’t dress up in black face. That’s offensive to African Americans.”

So what about dressing up like a rapper or someone from the Jersey Shore? Sheeley said that kind of costume would actually be appropriate.

“It’s different if you are saying I’m Snooki or dressing up as Obama,” she said. “It’s difficult when you cross the line between being someone specific and just being a representation of a culture. That’s a lot different than saying I’m a Guido.”
Who says anyone is dressing up to "represent" a culture?

Gawd, these whiners are a bit much, even for my steel-lined stomach. (Or was that comment offensive to people from Pittsburgh?)


  1. FYI, I don't find Geisha girl costumes offensive whatsoever.

  2. I'm from Pittsburgh, and I approve this comment :)

  3. Wow, you can get money for things like this?? I'm going to start the "Zombies have feelings too!" campaign....

    Wish me luck...

  4. I'm from Cleveland, offend all the Pittsburghers you want!

  5. Rick Williams10:36 AM

    This is political correctness gone to seed.
