Saturday, October 01, 2011

Smells Like Teen (Spirit)

Just got home from duty at our school's homecoming dance. After we'd herded all the kids out I stepped into the gym--good Lord, I kid you not, there was a 15-20 degree temperature difference as you walk through the door from outside. And the smell of hundreds of sweaty teenagers lurking in the air would be enough to induce gagging in someone with less of a constitution than I have....


  1. You have to pity the janitors, don't you? :)

  2. I do not do dances. I will tutor after school, coach ACDEC, sponsor the Art Club and even show up on weekends to fire the kiln, but I do not do dances. And knowing what I know about them, the administrators do not WANT me doing dances because I would be in their faces kicking kids out right and left. If these kids ever learned any dancing from any place other than BET or MTV, we would be better off. Very nasty. Their parents should be shocked.
