Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Bound To Change Someday, Probably In My Lifetime

From Gallup:
A record-high 50% of Americans now say the use of marijuana should be made legal, up from 46% last year. Forty-six percent say marijuana use should remain illegal.
Marijuana is now so readily available, and its cost to society so low, that I can find no legitimate reason to criminalize its possession and use. My conservative viewpoint is that government does not have a legitimate reason to prohibit it.

I think marijuana is like "the gay thing"--it's not so much a conservative/liberal issue as it is a younger/older issue. I know plenty of older liberals who cringe at the mere mention of anything gay, and can't understand how anyone but a pothead can be for legalizing marijuana, even though both of these positions are supposedly "conservative".


  1. My grandmother was very, VERY conservative and she was for legalizing marijuana when I knew her in the 70's. I think often people mix up financial and social conservatives and the two are not necessarily the same thing at all. :)

  2. Although, its cost to society is currently really 'high'. . . .seeing as we spend an obscene amount of money arresting, trying, and jailing users.
