Saturday, September 03, 2011

"What I Did On Summer Vacation, by a UCLA Math Major"

You've got to admire this kid's guts:
I’ll go out on a limb here and assume you’re aware that the economy’s not so hot. And that the likelihood of college grads snagging full-time employment that doesn’t require wearing a paper hat is pretty slim. One tried and true way for undergrads to improve their chances of getting hired after they’re handed a diploma is a summer internship. Sure, you probably won’t be paid, but at least you’re getting some real world experience, right? Chris Jeon, being the proactive type he is, decided to create his own internship fighting with Libyan rebels as his summer vacay wound down…

“It is the end of my summer vacation, so I thought it would be cool to join the rebels. This is one of the only real revolutions” in the world.

Sure, fighting Ghaddafi’s loyalists across the Libyan desert might not translate into the kind of employment a UCLA math major would find fulfilling, but with things the way they are, you have to do what you have to do.


  1. What kind of medical plan does it offer?

  2. PeggyU2:36 AM

    I am not convinced that the Libyan rebels are any better sort of people than Ghaddafi or that we should be rushing to support them. I think it was a foolish thing for this student to do, and hopefully he satisfied his need for an adrenaline fix!

  3. I have no idea what they support, but as I said, I admire the kid's guts. He gambled and won.

  4. He may have gambled and won, but Obama/NATO gambled and has lost. There are much greater evils in then world then Ghaddai and I think we have handed over a major oil supplier to them.

  5. I wonder how he could spin this experience on his resume'?

  6. "You've got to admire this kid's guts:"

    His brains, on the other hand...
