Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Title of the Linked Article Explains Why I'm A Conservative



  1. The federal government's legitimacy is based upon the consent of the governed. This nation's Founding Fathers would have had it no other way....

    What is your problem Darren. Don’t you know the Founding Father’s gave us living and breathing documents that the judiciary would interpret for the times. You think they would want the people to decide that through the legislative process. What are you, some type of radical or something.

    Next thing you know you will be talking about inalienable rights from your Creator.


    It’s sad...the (excuse me while I laugh) have to have this explained to them.

  2. The federal government's legitimacy is based upon the consent of the governed. This nation's Founding Fathers would have had it no other way....

    What is your problem Darren. Don’t you know the Founding Father’s gave us living and breathing documents that the judiciary would interpret for the times. You think they would want the people to decide that through the legislative process. What are you, some type of radical or something.

    Next thing you know you will be talking about inalienable rights from your Creator.


    It’s sad...the (excuse me while I laugh) have to have this explained to them.
