Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Second West Point Story of the Day

A press release from West Point's public affairs office:
A report released today by U.S. News & World Report's 2012 edition of Best Colleges ranked the U.S. Military Academy first in its Top 10 Public Colleges category.

“We are very pleased with U.S. News & World Report’s recognition of the quality of the educational experience at West Point,” said Dean of the Academic Board, Brig. Gen. Timothy Trainor. “We are very proud of our nationally renowned education program and attribute much of our success to such factors as accessibility of faculty, lively classroom discussions and experiences, and enrichment opportunities outside the classroom.”

In the Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs category, West Point was ranked No. 3 overall, with our Civil Engineering Program ranked No. 2.
We're not ranked as highly in football.


  1. Or baseball or basketball...

  2. But we are in:

    2011 Women's Rugby National Champions
    2011 Orienteering National Champions (9 years in a row)
    2011 Men's Team Handball National Champions (For the 25th time)
    2011 Men's Boxing National Title (4th straight year)
    2011 Pistol National Champions
    2010 Ironman 70.3 Collegiate Champions
    2010 College Sprint Football League Title (31st time)

    Honorable Mention to the both the Men's & Women's Triathlon teams which were both 2nd at the National Championships this year.

  3. So take *that*, MikeAT!

  4. Damn the ring knocker association is in full force tonight! :<)

    And your (and the other academy's credit) football players and others can actually boast of a real degree...
