Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Won A Book!

A long-time reader (who can identify himself if he chooses to!) had a competition on his blog, and I was one of the winners! What did I win, you ask?

It arrived today. Thank you! The entries in the book are reminiscent of this post from a couple years ago.


  1. My son just texted me saying that was his "whale" answer. Glad to see he's still reading your blog. Hopefully he's able to solve the problem now.

  2. Oh come on, tell everyone where your son goes to school now!

  3. Haha! In his second year as a Cadet at the Air Force Academy. We credit the great job his HS math teachers did in preparing him well so that he's made it this far! Guess he chose to forego that artistic streak (though it WAS a fine castle & whale).

  4. I'm sure that this book could be twice as thick given the subject matter.

    Thanks for playing!

