Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Did You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

It might not have started today. It might have started last night, when we came in 5th or so at trivia at the pub downtown. We never place that low.

And then when I woke up this morning I was too tired to get out of bed and get on the elliptical. So I spent my elliptical time snuggling up in the blanket, staying warm.

When it came time to get dressed, I decided that instead of trying to squeeze into my pants, I'd break out the fat-boy pants that I retired around this time last year. My skiing injury keeps me from doing a lot of physical activity, and I've started packing the pounds on again.

Things didn't go any better at school today. I just wasn't firing on all 8 cylinders, and neither were my classes. We had 3 2-hr classes today, so except for lunch I was constantly in demand.

My calendar reminder popped onto my screen today--I have "dance duty" at school this Saturday night. Saturday night is usually movie night with a friend of mine, and he absolutely cannot do Friday night this week--and not at all next weekend.

By the time I got home today I was so frustrated at life in general that I couldn't even bring myself to go to the gym, even though that's probably what I needed most. Instead, I walked 2 miles to Safeway just so I could use the ATM, and 2 miles back. It was warm out, probably still in the 90s, but it helped tire me out just enough that I couldn't maintain anger anymore.

Here's to hoping for a better tomorrow.

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