Sunday, September 04, 2011

Apollo 18

Take small bits of Alien and The Thing, and mix with very large quantities of Blair Witch Project and Capricorn One, and you have Apollo 18. I give it a C+.


  1. PeggyU11:31 PM

    Never saw the Blair Witch Project or Capricorn One, but I liked Alien and the Thing. I don't know if you are being generous or harsh in grading this movie, so another reference would help. What other sci fi movies would you compare it to?

  2. Thanks for the tip. I'll wait for the DVD rental.

  3. I've got nothing else to compare it to. Blair Witch and Capricorn One (with Sam Waterston and OJ Simpson!) make up the largest part of Apollo 18.

    I'm not generous or harsh in my movie ratings. My ratings are entirely neutral, objective, and correct. Just like my politics.

  4. That grade is pretty much spot on. Perhaps a B-.
