Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Murder, Or Two?

You can't simultaneously support abortion and call this a double-homicide a la Lacy and Connor Peterson:
A woman allegedly shot to death by her boyfriend on Sunday night in Colfax has been identified.

The Placer County Sheriff’s Department says the woman is 30-year-old Sarah Burr from Grass Valley. Burr’s family tells CBS13 that Burr was pregnant at the time of her death.


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Sadly, yes, one can.

    We draw legal distinctions between different sorts of killing. For example, executing a legally sentenced criminal is not usually considered murder.

    One can, with enough cleverness, construct a system where the pregnant mom (or her proxy, a doctor) can kill a fetus without it being murder. At the same time other folks do not have that right.

    The big logical problem for the pro-choice crowd (I'll use their preferred term) is that this reasoning has to grant that the unborn child is human. The logical conclusion is that abortion kills a human, but that it is legally sanctioned and thus not murder.

    Logically sound, if a bit tangled :-(

    -Mark Roulo

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Darren that is another one of your uses of bizarre logic. Let me get this straight you think this somehow similar to abortion. A fetus killed without the mothers consent is and abortion?

  3. Anonymous, I can't even understand what idiotic point you were trying to make.

    My point is very clear; if you disagree, just say so, but stop trying to be clever about it--because you fail.

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    There certainly is a great deal you don't understand, including the concept of insurance.

  5. A woman deciding to have an abortion is some how the same as someone killing her fetus against her will?

  6. Then you read the blog of a stupid man--why, exactly?

  7. The innocent fetus is dead either way, Pesto.

    The abortion discussion is now over. Don't like that? Go comment somewhere else.
