Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Teacher Workday Before The Kids Arrive Monday

I made it through 2 days of meetings and classroom organization. A couple of students dropped in to help with things I'm physically incapable of handling, and I'm now as ready as I'll ever be for my students to arrive on Monday.

Budget cuts have forced us to go from 3 to 2 vice principals, and with that cut in staffing the administration was looking to pawn off what duties they could. Testing coordinator, the person who handles all the planning for our annual standardized testing, is one of the jobs they hate the most. It's also a responsibility ideally suited to my planning talents.

I applied for it but didn't get it. Yes, I'm a bit bummed, and I console myself with the knowledge that the reason I wasn't chosen was not any concern about my lack of ability to do a good job, but I'm still a little bummed. No one likes to lose.

A mother showed up looking for me today. She just wanted to thank me for working with her son who wants to attend West Point. How kind is that? And our PTSA provided their annual Back To School Lunch for the staff today. How cool is that?

There's nothing more I can do to get ready for Monday. Bring on the kids and the new year.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and have a wonderful year.

    And in our building, the testing coordinator is a guidance counselor who'd much rather be counseling.

    Isn't it sad that there's so much high stakes testing that people actually work on it all year? Benchmarks, writing assessments for 8th grade, constructed response writing for 7th grade, Kuder testing, blah, blah, blah, blah
