Friday, August 05, 2011

Evidence That Being An "Academic" Means Losing Your Mind

From The Scotsman:
STUDENTS should be able to sell their kidneys for tens of thousands of pounds to pay off university debts, according to a Scots academic.

Sue Rabbitt Roff believes making it legal to sell the body part would boost the number of organs available to save lives and help students struggling with money.

If you're looking for a specific point at which you can determine that a college education just isn't worth the cost, I think Ms. Roff has just provided it for you.

And if you're thinking about being a professor, there will be plenty of Ms. Roffs for you to work with. Enjoy!


  1. Educated vs intelligent....I think you've hit it out the park with this post...

  2. PeggyU2:45 PM

    You still have to admire her for standing up for what she believes in; obviously she was a brain donor.

  3. Don't tell me you've gone socialist on us! This is a clear example of replacing government subsidies with capitalism.

  4. It's a devaluation of humanity.
