Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Amazing Piece of History

OK, you've *got* to watch this video! No, not because Bill Cullen looks just like Matt Damon (really!), but because this tv game show from the 1950's hosts a guest who was at Ford's Theater when Lincoln was shot and saw Booth jump down to the stage.

Other historical tidbit: note the placement of the Winston cigarettes right in front of the host and guest! Obviously they were a show sponsor.

Update, 4/4/2015:  the link above doesn't work, we'll see how long YouTube lasts:


  1. Zowie. Thanks for the link!

  2. Very interesting! Thanks for that link!

  3. That was absolutely astonishing!

  4. Cool. I used t watch that show when I was a kid. I don't remember specific guests, but I liked the guessing part.
