Thursday, July 21, 2011

Would You Want To Go To A Rally Endorsed By These People and Groups?

Many of the people, organizations, or topics I list below I've blogged about before, and you can find them using the search boxes at the top or bottom of this page. Here's the "greatest hits" list:

Linda Christensen, Bill Bigelow, Bob Peterson, and Stan Karp of Rethinking Schools

Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles Ducommon Professor of Education at Stanford University and author of books including The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future

Dr. Michael Klonsky, longtime educator, civil rights activist, and director of the Small Schools Workshop at the University of Illinois, Chicago

Alfie Kohn, human behavior & education expert and author of books including Punished By Rewards and The Schools Our Children Deserve

Jonathan Kozol, educator and author of books including Savage Inequalities and Ordinary Resurrections

Dr. Stephen Krashen, linguist and professor emeritus at the University of Southern California

Dr. Cornel West, professor and public intellectual at Princeton University, author of books including Race Matters, and co-host of the weekly public radio show, Smiley & West

The Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts (what the heck is a green rainbow? wouldn't that be rather unappealing?--Darren)

The International Association for Learning Alternatives (what is the alternative to learning, anyway?--Darren)

Richmond Teachers for Social Justice

San Francisco Teachers for Social Justice (they sure like their social justice in the Bay Area--Darren)

Donna Stern, East Coast/Midwest Coordinator of By Any Means Necessary

Students for a Democratic Society

United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministry (what what? religion?--Darren)

Whole Language Umbrella, a conference of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

Freedom Socialist Party

Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity

Progressive Democrats of America – Tucson Chapter

Radical Women

Vicki Abeles, Founder of Reel Link Films & Director of Race to Nowhere

Here's the rally they're endorsing. Anyone want to go hang out with these folks?



  1. pseudotsuga7:22 PM Not even if there are cookies (probably free-range oatmeal vegan cookies, if any).

  2. I would pull out my fingernails first. One by one. Slowly.

  3. Well B-G, enjoy. Be careful of the Kool-Aid.
