Monday, July 04, 2011

Why Obamacare Is Not Only Unconstitutional, But un-American

Part of the belief structure that went into the founding of this great nation is that the people have certain inalienable rights, and that governments are instituted by the consent of the governed to secure these rights. In other words, governments exist to serve the people. When those roles are reversed, when people serve the government, freedom dies and tyranny rules. That may sound melodramatic, but it is reality.

When government pays for your health care, is it really such a step to believe it will tell you how you must act, for the public good, in order to save that government money? I believe that the bigger government gets, the more freedom is crowded out and the more likely it is that the people will exist to serve the government--a perversion of the very beliefs upon which our nation is based.

I've made this point for quite a long time, and now George Will joins me by asking on This Week: can Congress require obese people to sign up for Weight Watchers?

Let me ask the three of you. Obviously, obesity and its costs affect interstate commerce. Does Congress have the constitutional power to require obese people to sign up for Weight Watchers? If not, why not?
If you support Obamacare but answer this question in the negative, how can Congress require you to purchase health insurance but not to lose weight? If you think that requiring people to sign up for Weight Watchers is a good idea, whether or not they want to, how can you claim to stand for individual freedom while you support the very definition of a nanny state?

Obamacare's requirement that people engage in commerce is a bastardization of the Commerce Clause, it is unconstitutional. It's wrong to make the public vassals of the government. This law is un-American, and I will be happy to see it relegated to the dustheap of history. It's too dangerous to let stand.


  1. Looks like at least one circuit doesn't agree with you.

  2. One does. It'll get to the Supremes soon, and I'm confident they'll agree with me.
