Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Wednesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question, "How many more grooves around the edge does a US quarter have than a US dime?", is:
1—a quarter has 119 grooves and a dime 118.

Today's question is:
If you were to start with zero and start writing out all the whole numbers in words, what would be the first number in which you'd write the letter “a”?


  1. LeftCoastRef9:43 PM

    1000 (one thousAnd)

  2. Jerry Doctor11:02 PM

    "One thousand" - assuming you don't allow "one hundred and one."

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    one thousand

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Those grooves around the edge of coins (known as "milling") were invented by Sir Isaac Newton when he was in charge of the Royal Mint. It was intended to put an end to "coin-clipping", which was the practice of clipping tiny bits off silver coins.

  5. Wasn't this a clue in a Isaac Asimov mystery?

  6. I don't know. I'll admit, it's been decades since I've read Asimov. Maybe as an adult I wouldn't find his work so obtuse.
