Saturday, July 02, 2011

Two "Anniversaries" In One

Today marks 10 weeks since my skiing injury. The doctors then told me that it would take 6-12 months, or 26-52 weeks, for a full recovery, which means I'm not even halfway to the rosiest of conclusions. I've made obvious, noticeable progress in healing and mobility since then, but it's equally obvious and noticeable that I'm not even halfway to fixed. In other words, every day is a drop in the glass, but the glass isn't yet half full. I have to content myself with the smallest improvements--hey, I can lift my foot 3"!!!--stuff like that. When school starts in 7 or 8 weeks I'll be walking on a cane, and I'll probably park my wheelchair at school for trips to the office; fatigue is expected to still be a problem even then.

Today is also the "one month out" date for my canceled trip to Iceland. Icelandair wouldn't budge on their policy; they agreed over a week ago to refund half my money, but it still hasn't shown up on my credit card statement (I check online daily). It's to the point where this airline can do nothing right in my eyes; there are other airlines that fly from the US to Iceland, and when I go next year I will fly any airline except Icelandair. I want to point out, though, that the Grettisgata Apartments, where I'd planned to stay in Reykjavik, quickly refunded all my money, and I'll definitely be staying with them when I'm able to make my trip next year.

Update, 7/3/11: Today I put the crutches away in the garage and replaced them with my grandfather's old cane. The muscles in my leg are starting to work again, if only a little bit, even though my knee still doesn't bend much. More incremental progress.


  1. You can have fun with it. Get a cool looking cane.

    Glad you are healing.

  2. Excellent far cam you go with the cane....

  3. Don't know yet. Maybe I'll hit Target tomorrow and find out.
