Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question, "What name identifies Prince William of Great Britain on the nametag he wears on his RAF flight uniform?", is:
Will Wales (picture here).

Today's question, which hopefully will generate more answers than the previous two questions, is:
In what year did the current pope, Benedict XVI, become pope?

(If you don't know, just take a guess. Part of the fun is to see how close you come!)


  1. Lady Harriet4:40 PM

    It was 2005.

  2. Fine, I'll throw out a guess of 2005.

    I remember that they just had some celebration which I think was commemorating the fifth anniversary of his death. Thought that happened last year. Let's see how close I come...

  3. PeggyU1:29 PM

    Wild guess to show how bad my memory really is ... 1998?

  4. PeggyU8:06 PM

    See ... I didn't even hit the dartboard.

  5. You can't win *every* time, then it isn't any fun!
