Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Today's Retirement Picnic

Two of our math teachers retire at the end of this week, and neither of them wanted a big to-do for a send-off. I convinced them not to think of themselves, but to consider that a proper send-off was something they could do for us. I suggested a staff picnic, and they agreed.

And then the planning began. Because of my injury I've done a bit of coordination here at home while three others at school did the lion's share of the work.

Today the potluck picnic went off without a hitch. After a week of rain and dreariness, today the sky was crystal clear--and the temperature was probably in the mid-70s. We had tables set up under a big tree, and plenty of our colleagues came and commiserated, broke bread, and in general, had a good time.

Picnics are my favorite way of saying good-bye to retirees. They're relatively easy to organize, they don't cost anything, and everyone has a good time!


  1. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Jeffries.

  2. Post like this cause envy in me....temp in the mid 70's....that's my night low....and I know you don't have the humidity.
