Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tea Time

One of my guilty pleasures is Teavana, a loose-leaf tea store in "the mall" (actually, in two malls not too far from my house). They always have samples at the entrance, and I'd be remiss if I didn't try one.

My favorite flavor is Youthberry, which, despite its cheesy name, is quite good. It's an orange blend, and while they sweeten their samples somewhat with German rock sugar, I drink it "straight" at home.

Tea Club at work is still going strong--we've expanded to the T&C Club, for tea and coffee, so we're less "exclusive"--and one of the English teachers in the group also enjoys Teavana. She came to visit me a couple weeks ago and brought me a bag of Youthberry. Just a couple of days ago I scooped up the last scoop of it...

The next day, a friend of mine who visited me a couple weeks ago came by again. He's the one who took me to the mall for wheelchair exercise and took the picture in this post, and he remarked that I'm much more mobile now than I was just two weeks ago. Anyway, before our visit to the mall he'd never before been to Teavana, and he, too, liked the Youthberry sample at the entrance. When he visited me a couple days ago, he brought me a Get Well gift--a huge tin of Youthberry. I swear there's enough in there to get me through December! In fact, I'll pause while typing this and go make a cup.

OK, I'm back.

A couple weeks ago the kitchen was getting a little empty and I needed to make a grocery store run. I had things I can only get at Sam's Club, and most everything else could be gotten anywhere. I thought it was being too much a pain to ask my parents to take me to both, so I found some similar items at and ordered them there, and the parents just included me on their Wal*Mart run. I wanted to get some tea, but decided I'd order a bunch of it on Amazon instead (it took almost two weeks to get here, but that's a different story!). I ordered a 6-pack of Lipton Green Tea with Purple Acai and Blueberry--yes, I love fruit-flavored teas. With all that tea, and with the recent addition of the Youthberry tin, I'll not be doing without tea for quite some time.

May my English heritage be honored, with a modern twist!


  1. Tea is good. Ever try PG tips? Its your average daily cuppa.....I found out about it from my sister-in-law who is from England....Of course to some, I drink it like the barbaric colonial that I am....sweetner (usually blue packet) and lots of milk.

    Used to drink Constant Comment with honey as sweetner and milk.

  2. I've not heard of PG tips. What are they/is it?

  3. I love Earl Grey and Gunpowder. English Breakfast is my preferred morning drink with honey and lemon during cold weather. For iced tea, which I drink by the gallon, I use Luzianne. yeah, Yeah, I know corporate tea, but as much as I drink I can't afford the good stuff.

  4. I admit it, I hadn't heard of Earl Grey until Star Trek: The Next Generation and Captain Picard, who drank it "hot". I like it, too. Gunpowder has an odd taste for me.

    And there's nothing wrong with corporate tea, as I have boxes of Lipton....

  5. I can't handle Lipton. It's too bitter. And I think the much ballyhooed White Tea is overrated.

  6. Youthberry is an orange flavored white herbal tea! Little pieces of orange peel in it and everything.
