Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Leftie Professors Aren't Tolerant of Conservatives

Conservatives, as minorities on the vast majority of US college campuses, know how to go along to get along. I'm sure many of them live in the "conservative closet" so as not to be exposed to issues like these:
In the most publicized case, a campus-wide email recruiting campaign by the University of Iowa College Republicans called "Conservative Coming Out Week" so enraged one professor that she responded with a mass email of her own saying “F--- You Republicans.”

The other incident occurred at Davidson College, a small, prestigious private school outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. This time it was a professor’s abusive letter to the editor of the student newspaper attacking a conservative student columnist. While it did not receive anywhere near the national attention that the Iowa episode did—possibly because no profanity was involved—it perhaps caused more of a stir on its own campus than did the Iowa episode.

The roots of this phenomenon most likely lie in the political imbalance on many campuses, which results in an atmosphere allowing left-wing professors to avoid criticism of even their most extreme views. Dissenting opinions, particularly by students fearful of lowered grades and ostracism, were once uncommon on campuses. But today there is a growing—and increasingly vocal—conservative student presence.

For the two professors involved, it appears that having their sacred political cows gored by swaggeringly aggressive conservatives on the hallowed ground of the Ivory Tower was too much to bear, and they erupted with a torrent of angry words.
Sad, pathetic, entirely expected--or some mixture of those?

1 comment:

  1. An educator finishing my first year...4:44 PM

    Me = foreign language teacher.

    They (Republicans and Democrats) are cutting foreign language/international education budget by 40%. So, yeah, I'd probably give a big FU to Republicans as well as anyone else cutting these critical areas.

    So despite the need for learning another language in a competitive global market, they want to cut budgets that not only employ FL teachers, but also help international students who so graciously coming to the US to study.

    I mean, that's not the content area I teach or anything. *rolls eyes* I don't need a job even though I have a Masters+ to teach foreign language and have spent time overseas studying the language to become fluent so I could teach it.
