Monday, May 09, 2011

Know What Bums Me Out Today?

Because of my injury, I can't go down to the Capitol for any of CTA's protests this week. Neither can I go see if any fireworks are stirred up by the "entirely coincidental" protest/occupation by that Blast From the Past, Mama Moonbat herself, Cindy Sheehan.

Having to miss all that is really bumming me out :(


  1. socalmike1:41 PM

    Cindy, not Cinday.

    Must be the teacher in me. -grin-

  2. Can't you get a wheelchair and a ride on local transit special needs bus? Or other means of someone getting you down there?

    I was asked to go to the CTA protest in San Diego; I declined. I don't want their T-shirt and I don't think RAISING taxes is necessary- spend the money for what is mandated by the state constitution, then whatever is leftover for special interests and projects.

  3. I'll check on Paratransit, but certainly not to attend a protest!

  4. PeggyU9:39 AM

    I think you should have a bowl of ice cream to take your mind off of it.

  5. Each time my mother takes me to the doctor, we stop by Dairy Queen on the way home and I get a large Banana Cream Pie Blizzard. There aren't too many problems in the world that can't be solved with a large Banana Cream Pie Blizzard!

  6. PeggyU2:14 PM

    Ooh. I didn't know there was such a thing. :) I think after we are done stacking firewood today, I will take the boys out for a treat. Thanks, Darren!
