Monday, May 30, 2011

Gawd, I Look Worse Than I Thought

A friend has been visiting all weekend and we went to the mall one day just so I could get out of the house and practice moving around in my dad-modified wheelchair.
(click to enlarge, but why would you want to?)

If I can say one thing positive about this picture, it's that at least I don't look fat. Old and decrepit, yes, but not fat. (And yes, I'm wearing a leg immobilizer under the ultra-baggy sweat pants.)


  1. Wow, I wouldn't share this with people you like or ever want to see again. All your missing is a hand puppet and the creators of South Park would write an episode around you. Hope you're feeling better. XO

  2. scott mccall9:02 PM

    you look like you should be begging for money

  3. Just heard about the accident...youu look great all things considered! I look forward to seeing you in full recovery mode soon!

  4. Me, too!! Soon is in 5-11 more months, according to the surgeon.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM


    If you wear a nice suit (I'm thinking white) and get a cat you can be a Bond villain.

    If the math teaching thing doesn't work out...

    Get well.

    -Mark Roulo
