Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Michael Dukakis and Lloyd “You're no Jack Kennedy” Bentsen.

Today's question is:
In what month and year was the shuttle Challenger destroyed?


  1. pseudotsuga10:11 PM

    January 1986

  2. January 86....I was at ROTC when then CPT Broussard walked in and said "The space shuttle exploded..."

  3. PeggyU12:24 PM

    I want to say it was July or August of 1986. I remember, it was right before we moved, and I was visiting my dentist for the last time and had the headphones on, listening to the news...

  4. PeggyU12:26 PM

    Wow! Faulty memory! :) Year right, but it was January!!! Was my last visit to the dentist before we moved, though.
