Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why I Haven't Been Blogging

Yesterday I headed up to Boreal to go skiing again. I just got home from the hospital, having suffered a mediocre wipe-out with a pretty serious injury. I might eventually post the pre-surgery picture of the wound!

I'm exhausted and need to go pop another pain pill. Don't know when I'll be back "online" yet, but don't want you to think I've forgotten you!


  1. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. And next time, start small. Get well.

  2. Wow, glad you are going to be ok!! Are you able to walk around and get groceries and stuff, and are there people who can help you? Rest up and ttyl...

  3. Ouch. Glad to near you're okay

  4. No worries, just take care of yourself Darren!!

  5. socalmike8:33 PM

    Sucks getting old, doesn't it? (grin)

  6. I wasn't doing anything crazy, just slowly gliding back and forth across the face. Must have caught an edge or something because I went down quickly. I thought my knee hit my binding--that's why it hurt so bad--but instead an edge of the ski cut through my pants just below the front of my left kneecap and sliced all but 10% of the patellar tendon.


  7. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Ouch, sounds bad. Still, with work, you'll get back all your mobility. Good luck Darren.

  8. Not good, please listen to the docs on the recovery. We don't heal as well nowadays and following directions early can help avoid problems later. Unfortunately I didn't listen after last year's extremely bad sprain and have been paying the price ever since.

  9. Ouch! I'm officially thankful I haven't made it to the slopes this season. And I'm very sorry to hear this. Make sure to take good care of yourself, Darren!

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Good to see you're home. Feel better soon!!

  11. That's a rough injury. Sounds like there may be some cycling therapy in your future.....

  12. pseudotsuga12:54 PM

    Ouch--a freak accident. ;-(
    Heal quickly, Darren.

  13. Sorry to read about this.
    Can you at least blame it on a snowboarder?
    I hope that you can get all of the rest that you need.
    Well, now you've got no good reason not to stay up and watch Kate & William get hitched.

  14. If I'm forced to watch that, just out of spite I'll post the picture of the wound that the nurse took. I glimpsed it today--trust me, you *don't* want to see it!
