Friday, April 29, 2011

I Thought Such Language Was Inappropriate...

...especially at places like the New York Times, the arbiter of all that is "civil"?
But the most compelling part of Representative Allen B. West of Florida is his own biography, there for all to see: an African-American Tea Party activist Republican congressman and ally of hard-right Israelis who, after his beloved career in the Army ended under a cloud, defeated the sitting Democrat in a largely white, politically polarized district here and quickly became one of the right’s most visible spokesmen...

Mr. West’s place in the Democratic crosshairs stems, he said, from the fact “that I scare the liberal establishment.” (boldface mine)

I guess that language is inappropriate only if it's directed at a liberal.


  1. allen (in Michigan)4:40 AM

    It's only a double standard if one party isn't clearly superior to the other.

    If you oppose racism by finding it even where it doesn't exist you can't reasonably be expected to be held to the same standards as those who lack your perspicacity now can you?

    I hope I've cleared that up.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Err... he used the phrase himself. It was not a liberal saying he was in the crosshairs, HE said he was in the crosshairs.

  3. The Times shouldn't use such language. If someone had dropped an n-bomb, do you think the Times would have published it verbatim?
