Friday, April 29, 2011

I Admit It---Part Of Me Is Chuckling About This

Of course it's not the appropriate way to deal with a teenager who talks back to you, but still, who among us has never thought of this?
A Derby High School sophomore said today that he was hit by a Taser and had his arm broken by two school resource officers for refusing to pull up his pants...

Jonathan Villarreal, 17, said he was walking with friends to the bus after school on Wednesday when one of the officers ordered him to pull up his pants. He told them he could wear them how he wanted because school was out, he said.


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I actually live down the street from Derby High School. Its a whole new world out here being from California.


  2. "...officer fired a Taser at his chest, he said. Although he was wearing a heavy coat, he still felt an electrical shock"

    Maybe shoulda aimed for one of his two exposed buttox...

  3. KauaiMark

    Actually that is what we are trained to hit...the back or buttocks...large muscle groups to incapacitate with less chance of hitting a bone or sending a lot of shock to the heart.

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Does it really say "17 year old sophmore"? That tells you something.
